Recognizing the difficulty faced by photographers in reaching foreign markets due to language or cultural barriers, the Tokyo International Photography Competition (TIPC) was created to provide an opportunity for photographers to present their artistic visions beyond their country’s borders and open up the possibilities for cross-pollination and cross-border collaborations.

Each year, a jury composed of acclaimed photography professionals from around the world nominate 8 talented photographers whose work is exhibited as part of an international traveling exhibition.

Exhibition Partners


United Photo Industries is a New York-based non-profit organization that works to promote a wider understanding and increased access to the art of photography.

Since its founding in 2011, UPI has rapidly solidified its position in the public art landscape by continuing to showcase thought-provoking, challenging, and exceptional photography from across the globe. In its first 7 years, UPI has presented the work of more than 2,500 visual artists in gallery exhibitions and public art installations worldwide.


T.I.P was founded in 2010 as a platform for photographers and photography enthusiasts. With a mission to support a cross-cultural dialogue between the Eastern and Western photography communities, T.I.P.’s programming includes local and international exhibitions, photography workshops at every level, and access to professional digital print labs and studios.

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