These 5 composite works are self-portrait and landscapes shot in Asia as part of my ongoing body of work titled “Gaze”. I love traveling and have visited many countries in the past, but the heated atmosphere of Asia has always resonated in me – perhaps a result of being Asian myself. I have always felt a longing and affection toward Asian countries, while also feeling that can never step out of the frame that categorizes me as Asian, and that has always brought with it a sense of acceptance. Affection and acceptance towards my identity is what I wanted express through my project.
About the photographer
Miki Takahashi. Born in 1978, Tokyo. Currently based in Tokyo.
Takahashi works as an editor for movies and motion graphics. Passionate about photography for a long time, it was only a few years ago that she started creating her projects. In 2013, her works were presented in an exhibition at the Lumas Gallery.